Different types and configurations of devices designed to help individuals retrieve items that are in hard-to-reach locations or have disabilities for which these devices offer needed assistance to grasp and hold.
Different types and configurations of devices designed to help individuals retrieve items that are in hard-to-reach locations or have disabilities for which these devices offer needed assistance to grasp and hold.
Reaching aids are devices developed to assist individuals with limitations to reach items that are hard-to-reach due to limited range of motion, balance issues, injury, and pain such as with arthritis. The device gives the person additional length without having to bend, stretch, or displace the body’s base of support to grab something.
The gripping mechanism of a reaching device can be controlled by a finger trigger, hand trigger, or full grip trigger, all ergonomically designed for maximum comfort and effectiveness. The actual gripper is available with different configurations to adapt to specific needs. Some come with rubber grippers, others with magnet grippers. ProHealthcareProducts.com offers a variety of reaching devices for making the task of reaching and grasping objects more convenient, comfortable, and accessible for those with limited range of motion, disease, and disability.