MicroFET 3 Inclinometer and Manual Muscle Testing Device

MicroFET 3 Dynamometer and ROM Evaluator - Hoggan Health

$1,660.00 - $2,679.06
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Hoggan Health MicroFET 3 Dynamometer and ROM Evaluator

If you’re looking for an accurate, portable muscle testing and range of motion dual device, look no further than the wireless microFET3 Muscle Testing Dynamometer and Range of Motion Inclinometer.

In the past, muscle testing and range of motion testing was performed using two (or more) separate devices. But with the innovative MicroFET 3 MT & ROM it’s possible to accurately and scientifically measure Muscle Testing (MT) and Range-of-Motion (ROM) in once convenient dual-function medical device. From diagnosing to treating muscular disorders, the MicroFet 3 is the first dual device that allows you to perform these two functions with a single machine. The MicroFET 3 MT & ROM represents the latest innovations in diagnostic equipment, providing fast, reliable, digital results using both a dynamometer and inclinometer.

The MicroFET 3 Dynamometer & ROM Evaluator At-A-Glance

  • Dual-Function Diagnostic Device to Accurately Perform Muscle Testing and Range of Motion

  • Completes Two Evaluation Diagnostics Using a Single Gauge

  • Allows the Clinician One Free Hand to Stabilize and Assist the Patient

  • Easy to Read LCD Display for Set-Up & Reading Testing Results

  • Can Be Used Alone and with Compatible Clinical or FET Data Collection Software

If you’re looking for an accurate, portable muscle testing and range of motion dual device, look no further than the wireless microFET3 Muscle Testing Dynamometer and Range of Motion Inclinometer. The MicroFET 3 is the first of its kind to be designed to offer the ability to perform comprehensive muscle and range of motion testing with one gauge. Stabilization of the area of the body being tested is extremely important in getting the most accurate results. Using one convenient gauge allows the clinician one free hand to stabilize and assist the patient.

The Benefits of the MicroFET 3

  • The MicroFET software automatically performs calculations and validity checks to ensure accurate data.

  • The MicroFET 3 automatically generates tables and graphs from testing data to be used for easy to read comparison.

  • Has easy set-up as the MicroFET 3 device is programmed to walk the clinician through selected tests or entire protocols with built-in pictures to demonstrate proper gauge and patient positioning.

  • Eliminates the need for multiple testing equipment

  • Completely wireless and portable

The MicroFET 3 has wireless capability, allowing for easy portability within the clinic and for home treatments without the inconvenience of dangling cords or the need to be wired to the data-collecting computer. With the available Hoggan software, the MicroFET 3 MT & ROM makes patient record keeping easy with the ability to simply transfer data and store test results to any computer. The MicroFET 3 features the accurate and easy to use inclinometer Hoggan is known for.

The MicroFET3 has the following options:

  • Use in either pounds (lbs.), Newtons (N), or kilogram-force (kgf)

  • Includes threshold settings for muscle testing: Low Threshold – 0.8 lb. to 150 lbs. in 0.1 lb. increments and High Threshold – 3.0 lbs. to 150 lbs. in 0.1 lb. increments

  • Has self-activating “sleep” mode which helps extend battery life

  • Extremely accurate results with muscle testing accuracy within 1% and range of motion accuracy within 1°

MicroFET 3 Specifications

  • Includes Flat Transducer Pad, Curved Transducer Pad, Digit Transducer Pad, Comes with Usage Charts for Muscle Testing and Range of Motion

  • 5 Test Recording Pads (3 for range of motion and 2 for muscle testing)

  • Carrying Case

  • 1-year standard warranty included, with extended warranties available