Lotions & Warmers
Massage lotions, creams, and oils provides the median to reduce friction and provide a smooth glide during the application of massage while providing therapeutic effects for skin health and healing. Because the lotion can feel cold when applied, lotion warmers are used to keep the lotion warm for a more enjoyable application.
The lubricating effect of massage lotions, creams, and oils allows the therapist to easily glide their hand or application device smoothly over the client’s skin. These lotions, creams, and oils penetrate the skin, providing hydration and softness, with some containing vitamins and other skin benefitting compounds such as aloe vera, and can help facilitate the healing of certain skin conditions and damage.
Electric heating units for massage lotions and gels for ultimate client comfort through maintaining desired temperatures.
ProhHealthcareProducts.com sells massage lotions, oils, and creams and warming devices