JTech Medical Products
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JTech Medical is a world leader in providing clinicians with the highest quality physical medicine innovative and proprietary technologies for physical evaluation and functional capacity evaluation (FCE) equipment and software.
Unique features, benefits, and advantages of the JTech Medical product line include:
- Provides objective data for determining proper treatment protocols and validating plan effectiveness throughout the rehabilitation process
- Dramatically saves time in performing all evaluations and capturing data so you can spend more time on patient care and less time on transcription and paperwork
- Compliant with insurance requirements for proven ability to increase insurance reimbursement rates
- Comprehensive and objective documentation and reporting of subject’s physical capabilities and deficits
- Increased patient retention through demonstrated objective progress outcomes
- High physician satisfaction of reporting and progress overtime
- Quality individual training and support on all products available
- Innovative, durable, and reliable wireless devices for automated data collection
- Longest warranty for similar products currently on the market
Product lines include:
- Inclinometry
- Goniometry
- Muscle strength testing
- Grip strength
- Pinch strength
- Algometry
- Static strength
- Functional capacity evaluation FCE)
- Job simulation and material handling
Shop ProHealthcareProducts.com for all your JTech Medical products.