Human Larynx Models
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Anatomical models of the larynx, also called the voice box, with removeable parts for teaching, training, and understanding of the larynx for use in medical, healthcare, and educational settings
The larynx or voice box is a strong tubular structure made of cartilaginous tissue that connects the trachea superiorly to the lungs inferiorly. It functions to protect the lower respiratory tract from aspiration and serves to produce sounds at the vocal cords.
The thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple) protects the larynx anteriorly. The cricoid cartilage encircles the trachea. The epiglottis is a cartilage flap that serves as a covering over the opening of the larynx, opening for the passage of air and closing during swallowing to prevent aspiration of food or liquid into the trachea.
Human larynx models are designed with removeable parts so the anatomy student can see the major components of the larynx and its relationship to other components of the respiratory system. has 3B Scientific human larynx models with 3B Smart Anatomy providing removeable parts and is divided into sections for better viewing and understanding of the larynx and associated structures.