Joint Classification Name & General Name
Planes of Motion or Degrees of Freedom
Joints Anatomical Names
Ginglymus or Hinge
1 Plane of motion, uniaxial One Degree of Freedom
Interphalangeal, Metacarpophalangeal of thumb, Humeroulnar, Tibiotarsal, Tibiofemoral (dual)
Condylodial or Convex-Concave
2 Planes of motion, biaxial Two Degrees of Freedom
Metacarpophalangeal, Radiocarpal, Atlantooccipital, Metatarsophalangeal
Trochoidal or Pivot
1 Plane of motion, uniaxial One Degree of Freedom
Radioulnar, Atlantoaxial, Tibiofemoral (dual)
Enarthrodial or Ball & Socket
3 Planes of motion, triaxial Three Degrees of Freedom
Glenohumaral, Acetabulofemoral, Humeroradial (atypical)
Sellar or Saddle
3 Planes of motion, triaxial Three Degrees of Freedom
Carpometacarpal of thumb, Sternoclavicular
Arthrodial or Gliding
3 Planes of motion, triaxial Three Degrees of Freedom
Vertebral facets, Costovertebral, Costotransverse, Sternocostal, Acromioclavicular, Intercarpal, Intermetacarpal, Caropmetacarpal
Sacroiliac, Patellofemoral, Intertarsal, Subtalar, Tarsometatarsal, Intermetatarsal