Resistance training equipment is designed to work the major muscle groups of the body and some pieces of exercise equipment can provide various lifting options for all of these muscle groups. Resistant training exercise equipment is designed to provide resistance to the upper body musculature, the lower body musculature, or a combination for the entire body. Their unique design allows for these muscles to work through a full range of motion emphasizing exercises involving concentric and eccentric muscle contractions. Sometimes these exercises focus on single-joint exercises that isolate specific muscle groups in a target focus. Other exercises allow for multi-joint exercises that work the muscles in a more closed kinetic chain manner. Both are important to an overall muscular fitness program. Finally, these machines, or paired machines, provide for both agonist and antagonist muscle groups to be exercised to prevent muscular imbalances and the potential for deviation for normal posture alignment. sells a line of lower body resistance training equipment to help you in your efforts to improve your overall muscular fitness and health promotion.
American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand: Quantify and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory, Musculoskeletal, and Neuromotor Fitness in Apparently Healthy Adults.